Hosting web para tu negocio
Creating a digital project has never been easier. Choose your domain and start designing your personalised website.
Install WordPress in one click and enjoy the best CMS
La ultima versión de Cpanel con una interfáz intuitiva
Instala tu SSL con Let’s Encrypt en sólo dos clicks
Maintain your domain at affordable prices
Plans to suit your business
Choose the plan that best suits your needs.
Centros de datos por el mundo
Nuestros planes de hosting web, WordPress y cloud hosting ofrecen ubicaciones de servidor en: Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Francia, India, Singapur, Brasil, Lituania y Países Bajos.
With the latest tools and amenities to make your project run smoothly.
On-site domain registration, so that everything is unified and under your control.
Create your professional website in an easy and intuitive way. UX and responsive designs.
Learn how to create your custom website in just a few steps, to make it unique and functional.
What is the difference in working with Oax? You have everything in one place, without permanence and whatever you do is yours, to your measure, you can take it wherever you want, although after meeting us, you won't want to.
Maximiza la velocidad del sitio web
- Maximiza el rendimiento con la tecnología de servidor web LiteSpeed.
- Disfruta de un rendimiento optimizado con soluciones de caché avanzadas.
- Reduce los tiempos de respuesta del sitio web hasta 3 veces con Object Caché para WordPress.
En general, nuestros clientes nos dicen que disfrutan de reducciones significativas en la carga del servidor y tiempos de carga de sitios considerablemente más rápidos.
Los complementos LSCache son soluciones de almacenamiento en caché a nivel de servidor altamente personalizables y están diseñados para potenciar al máximo las aplicaciones web.
Al aprovechar la tecnología Smart Purge de LiteSpeed Cache, CDN sirve con precisión su contenido más actualizado y lo purga cuando es necesario.
Funciones avanzadas para tu página web
The hosting o web hosting is the space where all the content related to your website is stored, such as the domain, emails, photos and videos among other files.
It is the first thing you need to get started with your project. You can select the hosting that best suits your needs.
SSL Certificate with Let's Encrypt helps keep personal information, e-commerce transactions safe.
Editable privacy and cookie policy templates. Cookie plugins and tutorials to implement them in WordPress.
Start building your website quickly with the ease of one-click WordPress installation.
Administration panel with intuitive interface where you can access data, files and email accounts.